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2023 Paid Enrollment Data Study: How Subscription-Based Loyalty Amplifiers Can Boost Engagement

How effective are paid enrollments? We surveyed 1300 U.S. consumers to gather their opinions on this type of incentive.

If you’re like many brands out there, you probably offer a loyalty program, which is a critical tool in your overall customer engagement strategy. But engagement is a challenge. Why? 

According to a recent consumer survey, most consumers belong to at least one loyalty program but only use half of their memberships or less. And almost all of those consumers agree that many loyalty programs feel similar. 

That’s why the concept of paid enrollment has been gaining popularity. 

In paid enrollments, your customers are given the chance to sign up for limited-time benefits or offers in exchange for a fee. These subscription-based loyalty amplifiers create a sense of excitement and urgency that helps achieve goals like member acquisition, brand advocacy and subscription revenue. 

In this data study, you’ll get the answers to these questions:

  • How accepting are consumers of paid enrollments in general? 
  • What would incentivize consumers to participate in a paid enrollment? 
  • What do today’s consumers expect from paid enrollments? 
  • What deters consumers from signing up for paid enrollments? 
  • How can paid enrollments fit into your overall loyalty strategy? 

Download the data study

ebbo™ is an all-in-one loyalty company. With our data driven strategy, full-service approach, and the unwavering support of the people behind the platform, our dedicated team will work with you to understand your loyalty goals, innovate solutions and help you build customer engagement on repeat.

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