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2022 Premium Loyalty Data Study: How to Keep Your Customers Engaged When Loyalty Standards are High

Customer loyalty is a challenge for brands to gain and maintain in today’s business environment.

Factors like the pandemic, supply chain struggles, and inflation have flipped consumer loyalty on its head, forcing many brands to go back to the drawing board to build loyalty and provide top-of-the-line experiences to premium loyalty members.

To assess the consumer landscape of brand loyalty, we surveyed 2,500 consumers about their feelings on premium loyalty programs and paying for enhanced benefits, as well as their shopping habits and interactions with brands.

In addition to noting year-over-year consumer behavior shifts against our previous Premium Loyalty Data Studies, this report explores consumers’ thoughts on incentivized engagement with brands beyond transactions as well as the rise of digital developments such as the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Download the data study today and take-away:

  • Year-over-year insights of consumer expectations and factors that influence their loyalty
  • Consumers’ sentiments regarding traditional points programs vs. paying for top-tier instant benefits
  • How NFTs and the Metaverse are beginning to impact customer engagement and loyalty

Download the data study

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ebbo™ is an all-in-one loyalty company. With our data driven strategy, full-service approach, and the unwavering support of the people behind the platform, our dedicated team will work with you to understand your loyalty goals, innovate solutions and help you build customer engagement on repeat.

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